Activities of Waqf Board
1. Transfer of files of Charity Commissioner of 7000 Trusts.
2. Transfer of Rs. One CRORE fund from Charity Commissioner.
3. Restoration of Waqf lands: i) Kabrastan Madalmohi, Beed. ii) Gulshan Mahel iii) 32 acres of land of Ghosla, Tq. Raigad. iv) Notices in 27 cases.
4. Protection of Properties: i) Daultabad ii) Rozabaugh iii) Barudgarnala iv) Kabrastan.
5. Development of properties: i) Panchakki – started. 5 proposals ready. 20 properties surveyed.
6. Encroachment – recovery of rent: i) Survey of 20 sites completed ii) Rent Committee established.
7. Strengthening financial position: i) Tender receipt increased by 22 Lakhs ii) Fees revised – income doubled iii) 4000 Notices sent to trustees iv) Waqf Fund recovery increased from 20 Lakhs to 45 Lakhs.
8. Development of Dargah premises: i) Sulabh Shochalaya – Parbhani ii) Construction of Sarai – Raunaparada .
9. Office automation: i) Improvement in discipline ii) Computerization iii) Record Room iv) Renovation of Masjid premises.
10. Website Development.
- Development of Panchakki.
- Regional Offices / District Offices
- Development of Dargah, Kabrastan premises
- Development of 20 sites through BOT
- Restoration of Waqf Properties / encroachment removal
- Welfare program – Scholarship, increase in Honorarium of Imam and Moazins etc.
- Record computerization
- District / Regional facilitation centers
- Rent revision of old buildings.